
Fashion Week in Rio was struck by the physical state of the models

The Fashion Rio, held this week in Rio de Janeiro, was struck by the physical state of the model after some of which rose to the catwalk show cellulite or excessive thinness accentuated.

One was Shirley Mallmann, in a fashion beachwear brands Lenny Niemeyer apparently left see cellulite on her buttocks, while another model called attention in the parade Cantão by extreme thinness that marked him in the chest bone structure.

According to some models, there is nothing unusual about what was seen at the Fashion Rio, and what happens is that some clothes look better on thin bodies, hence the preference for skinny.

The model Barbara Fialho, 25, believes that beyond the visual impact that can produce physical some of his colleagues, almost all are healthy and practice yoga exercises such as running or to keep fit.

"Keep in mind that some models are very young. I, for example, when he was 16, was very thin," he explains.

The designer Jacqueline Di Biase, brand Salinas, said that if he could choose the models for his creations, women would opt for a more robust biotype. "I prefer girls who have a more healthy, however, there is a pattern because they not only beach fashion parade," he explains.

According to Di Biase, "are agencies which offer selected models and options to designers", which do not have much room to choose.

The models also rejected criticism of its food, which is often based on rigid diets, and although often hide smoking in the racks of the parades is common to see some with a cigarette in his hand.



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